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As your Leadership Expert, I can help you become the leader you always knew you could BE.  

Find out your leadership style

Are you using effective leadership styles that works best for you and your team? Are you getting the results you want?

Eventually in your lifetime, you may have held a leadership role.   Regardless if you were on the playground, leading a team in an office, a PTA meeting or a small group, you have displayed some taken type of leadership style.

Most people develop their own leadership style from watching others around them, from the culture of a company, or even by following your innate instincts.   We all have the ability to lead just in different ways.


Identifying the type of leader you can help you improve upon or even expand your own leadership.


By taking your time to familiarize yourself with the different types of leadership styles, you may identify other ways to lead that will better serve your current goals and help you understand how to better work with others and gain more followers thus becoming influential.

Click below to uncover more...


"If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader." 

If you’re tired of seeing others skyrocket to the top with confidence while you scrap & claw your way through
each day riddled with doubt, keep reading…

If you’ve ever…



• Doubted whether you could truly make a difference in the world or if you even have a “purpose”


• Felt like you “don’t matter” in your field and nobody cares what you say because you’re not an expert (yet)


• Felt stuck running a business that doesn’t work for you (either financially, emotionally, or lifestyle-wise) because you’re too afraid to raise your rates or say no to low-balling clients (and therefore, are overwhelmed and burnt out most of the time)


• Turned down new opportunities (even ones you’d love to say yes to!) because you don’t deeply believe you’re “good enough”


• Felt “fine” making $2k a month (or another number that feels “safe”), but freaked out a bit when it looked like you might make more (when you should be excited, right?)


• Wanted to give up on pursuing your dreams because others in your field make it look like no big deal and you feel like every little milestone is a struggle


• Question your ability to make good money, make friends with the “right” people or truly help others (or the world) doing the work you WANT to do


• Had an “inkling” you’re meant to do something–maybe you even KNOW what that something is–but have a million excuses why it’s not the right time or circumstances or whatever-else

…then congratulations! You’re human. (And you’re also very much in the right place.)



You’re also most likely dealing with some major (or minor) limiting beliefs.



Here’s the deal: When there’s any sort of stagnation or fear in ANY area of your life, odds are you’re coming head-to-head with a big, fat, lying limiting belief.



Limiting beliefs are those pesky ideas about who we are & what we’re able to do.

They’re the thoughts that get us all: “I can’t make THAT much!,” “I can’t actually get paid to do WHAT I LOVE!”, or “THAT client would never hire ME…”



And all of that above, my friend, is exactly why limiting beliefs are a problem.

They can stop you from living out your divine purpose. If you are ready to join my group of Super Bad All Day Long Entrepreneurs who are moving out their way and expanding their businesses, getting out in front of people and sharing their passion, changing their families lives by living their dream.

When You Transform Your Beliefs at the Root,
Everything Gets Easier


A leader, entrepreneur, writer, speaker, host and unwavering positive thinker committed to assisting you with turning into the individual you most need to be.

Cherie Griffith-Dunn

I was born and raised in Connecticut in a multi-racial home with nothing more than determination, ability to speak and a dream.  I'm proud to have birthed Six Black Sons, to be an author of three books, two bestsellers, a highly sought-after speaker,  and the host of a winning podcast that touches thousands.  

Through the support of Lisa Nichols, Motivating the Masses training, I have graced many many stages with audiences in 10 countries.  My life's mission is to help people like you transform from average to above average, while rapidly moving beyond the narrow limited life you were leading up to this point and enter a whole new stage with freedom, fun, and monetary rewards.

One of the things I'm often asked is " How do you do it all ?"

For as long as I can remember, I've been coaching kids on the playground and speaking loud from rooftops about how to start a business using their God Given Gifts and Talents to earn extra money. 


What I quickly realized is that although everyone has special gifts and talents they may not know how to best utilize them. 

Have you ever wondered why are some people are successful while others continue to struggle?  I found myself in the struggle bucket a few years back and was determined to find out what happened and why?

Here's what I found out. 

 “The reason Why people tolerate complacency and stagnation in their lives despite having the power and ability to create beneficial change” is because they have a lack self-motivation.


Would you believe me if I told you that Motivation is a key factor?  Studies reveal at least five reasons why people get stuck, mired in misery, and unwilling to dedicate effort toward improving their lives.  Take my assessment to find out where you are on the scale of motivation.


I also found out..


That self-control is one of the most crucial traits for success.  It has been proven that those who are willing to do the work now to create the life they want later live a healthier, happier and more successful life than others.  

Knowing that all I needed was some self-control changed my whole world.  I later coined the name "CherieGetsItDunn". This is how I am able to do it all.  Ready to start achieving your goals? 

I'm honored to co-create your journey with you!  All you need to do is make it happen. Say Yes to You!


"Diversity Jolts Us Into Cognitive Action In Ways That Homogeneity Simply Does Not" Katherine Phillips

What I do In the World...


I am a Certified Diversity and Inclusion Workplace Trainer.   I believe that when you include everyone you empower them to respect and appreciate each other for their differences.  This  opens us up to exciting new ways of problem solving, critical thinking and innovation.

A diversity inclusive workplace will increase moral and strengthen a company's bottom line. 



I believe you matter, "you are enough, you have influence, you are a genius, you have a contribution to make, you have a gift that others need, you are the change,  your action define your impact". You matter. Angela Maiers

Just In Case You Need More Convincing:  

Growing up in a mixed race household, I often found myself the victim of an identity crisis.  Being discriminated against as a young girl by both black and white people left me with a lot of questions "Why" and a feeling of not belonging.  I spent my life trying to fit in and blend in.  

Living in a world where discrimination never shuts off, I found myself living by my parents creed to keep up and stand out "Work ten-times harder than the next to get a head" 

Do you want to command authority (take control of your life again), stand on your power, and speak your truth to create and have a radial shift happen?  A shift so radical that gives you your authority back, your power back, your perspective back, your love back, your brilliance back, your gifts back, your talents back, it gives you things that are liberating for you. (freedom, flexibility, fun) 


I stand today going first to pave a pathway for you to follow.  To help you eliminate the fear stopping you, to help you craft the life you keep dreaming about and be the change the world needs.   Well, change starts with the one who wants the change "You" and when that decision is made you will be changed.  That's why my keynote on Diversity & Inclusion Training on Building Bridges to Unlock Human Potential is so power.  I deliver transformational experience for you that will impact individuals at the deepest levels and leave audiences motivated and inspired to live their best life.

Here's what you will discover when you take my Diversity Training.

My 3 core principles to Uncover Unconscious Bias are designed to help you become aware of your hidden bias patterns, identify how your hidden bias patterns affect your daily decisions and learn how to rewrite your new unbiased pattens opening your eyes to bias free world.


Let's start here:

Principle I - Skin Color Differences Foundation of Racism, Managing Through Difficult Times

Principle II - Uncovering Unconscious Biases, 12 Racist And Offensive Phrases That People Say All The Time

Principle III - How Can We Win, Understanding Compassion, 12 Ways to Listen, Learn, And Take Action Now.

This Keynote/Workshop most benefits those looking live in a diverse inclusive bias free world.  I teach powerful tools that helps you live in harmony with yourself and others.



Cherie Griffith-Dunn

All my life I've had fight! I had to fight for my rights! Fight for my six Black Males! Fight for my fair share!, Fight to be treated equal and today I stand before you  fighting for freedom - Liberation to show the world not only I matter.  You Matter!

As Seen On

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The Six Figure Hustle Podcast


Cherie Griffith-Dunn

Join 2X #1 Best Selling Co-Author, Executive Business Coach, Transformational Leadership Speaker, and AKA CherieGetsItDunn Cherie Griffith-Dunn and Wealth Expert, Singer, Leader, and mother of two sons Niokioh Wright Smith, to hear top entrepreneurs share their secrets and their insights into finding the motivation and inspiration they needed to reach pinnacle levels of success.  Get the advice and business inspiration to help you find the motivation you need to transform your mindset and business to become the success you’ve always dreamed of… listen up for those golden nuggets that another successful entrepreneur will drop on you about their journey and the important lessons they learned along the way. So grab your bestie and get ready for this ride

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